Call for nominations – 2023 IEEE ComSoc WTC Recognition Award

We seek your nominations for the “2023 Wireless Communications Technical Committee (WTC) Recognition Award”.

This award is given to one or two persons with a high degree of visibility and contribution to the “Wireless and Mobile Communications Theory, Systems, and Networks” field. The award winner(s) will be announced at the GC23 WTC meeting.

Nominations, to be solicited from the WTC members, should include a sentence for “what service or accomplishment” the person is being nominated for and a one-page supporting material. Additionally, two letters supporting the nomination may be sent to the WTC Award Committee Chair (zding@UCDAVIS.EDU)

The Award Subcommittee is composed of the following six members:

Chair: Zhi Ding, UC Davis, USA

Rahim Tafazolli, University of Surrey, UK

Lin Cai, University of Victoria, Canada

Danijela Cabric, UCLA, USA

Urbarshi Mitra, University of Southern California, USA

Rui Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China

The nomination deadline is 30 September 2023. All nominations and supporting material must be emailed to the Award Committee Chair, Prof. Zhi Ding, at zding@UCDAVIS.EDU with the Subject Title “2023 WTC Recognition Award“.

Call for nominations – 2023 IEEE ComSoc WTC Outstanding Young Researcher Award

We seek your nominations for the “2023 Wireless Communications Technical Committee (WTC) Outstanding Young Researcher Award”.

This award is given to one or two persons who have achieved early career visibility in the field through research in wireless communications and service to WTC. The award winner(s) will be announced at the GC23 WTC meeting.

The Nominee must

(1) be an IEEE ComSoc Member and an active WTC member at the time of nomination (see WTC’s P&P for “active WTC member”),

(2) have been involved significantly with research related to the areas of wireless communications and

(3) be within 10 years from completion of his/her PhD at the time of nomination.

Nominations are to be solicited from the WTC members (self-nominations are not allowed) and should include a sentence for “what service or accomplishment” the person is being nominated for and a one-page supporting material. Two letters supporting the nomination may also be sent to the WTC Award Committee Chair (zding@UCDAVIS.EDU).

The Award Subcommittee is composed of the following six members:

Chair: Zhi Ding, UC Davis, USA

Rahim Tafazolli, University of Surrey, UK

Lin Cai, University of Victoria, Canada

Danijela Cabric, UCLA, USA

Urbarshi Mitra, University of Southern California, USA

Rui Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China

The nomination deadline is 30 September 2023. All nominations and supporting material must be emailed to the Award Subcommittee Chair, Prof. Zhi Ding, at zding@UCDAVIS.EDU with the Subject Title “2023 WTC Outstanding Young Researcher Award“.

Call for nominations – 2023 IEEE ComSoc WTC Service Award

We seek your nominations for the “2023 Wireless Communications Technical Committee (WTC) Service Award”.

This award recognizes WTC members who have demonstrated exemplary service to WTC, its members and the WTC community at large, including taking on leadership roles, organizing symposia and workshops in WTC-related areas, and promoting activities of interest to the WTC research community.

Nominations, to be solicited from the WTC members, should include a sentence for “what service or accomplishment” the person is being nominated for and a one-page supporting material. Additionally, two letters supporting the nomination may be sent to the WTC Award Committee Chair (zding@UCDAVIS.EDU)

The Award Subcommittee is composed of the following six members:

Chair: Zhi Ding, UC Davis, USA

Rahim Tafazolli, University of Surrey, UK

Lin Cai, University of Victoria, Canada

Danijela Cabric, UCLA, USA

Urbarshi Mitra, University of Southern California, USA

Rui Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China

The nomination deadline is 15 October 2023. All nominations and supporting material must be emailed to the Award Committee Chair, Prof. Zhi Ding, at zding@UCDAVIS.EDU with the Subject Title “2023 WTC Service Award“.

Call for Nomination for WTC Officers 2021-2022

The current WTC Officers’ term will end on 31 December 2020. We are calling for nominations for Chair/Vice Chair/Secretary positions (for term 2021-2022) from all WTC members. Self-nominations are permitted. 

The first announcement for the WTC Nomination & Election was made during the last WTC meeting on 3rd July 2020.

WTC has a well-established Nomination and Election (N&E) procedures as follows:

The WTC N&E Committee include:
Chair:    Wei Zhang, Current WTC Chair  <>
  Shuguang Cui, Past WTC Chair <>
  Tarik Taleb, 2nd Past WTC Chair  <>
  Ross Murch, 3rd WTC Chair <>
  Junshan Zhang, WTC member representative <>

Please email your nomination to  and CC: In the email subject, please use “Nomination for WTC officers 2021-2022”.

The nomination should include the nominee’s name, affiliation, email address and biography. Please state clearly which position (Chair/Vice Chair/Secretary) the nomination is for. There is no need for any support letters.  Nominees must be active members of WTC (see Notes below) and shall indicate willingness to serve if elected. All the submitted nominations will be immediately acknowledged. 

Important Dates

October 24  Nomination open
November 15    Deadline of Nomination
November 20    All valid nominations will be announced
November 20  The list of Voting Members will be announced.
November 23  The ballots will be sent to all Voting Members of WTC via email.
November 24  Voting start
November 30  Voting end
December 1st  Election results available to be approved by ComSoc TEA Council.
December   Approved election results will be announced.

(Source: WTC P&P: ):

1. A member becomes an active member if he/she has attended (physically present or by teleconference) two or more of the prior five regularly scheduled WTC meetings. 

See the WTC meeting attendance record at  

2. Voting member: A WTC voting member shall be an active member of the WTC, or a past WTC officer, or a winner of WTC Recognition Award. In addition to the above, a WTC voting member must be a member of IEEE Communications Society, including ComSoc Student Member or Graduate Student Member.

2020 Wireless Communications Technical Committee Outstanding Young Researcher Award

2020 Wireless Communications Technical Committee Outstanding Young Researcher Award


A recognition plaque.


A person who have achieved early career visibility in the field through research in wireless communications and service to the WTC.


Annually (as appropriate). No more than two awards will be given per year.


The Nominee must:

  • be an IEEE ComSoc Member and an active WTC member at the time of nomination (see P&P for “active WTC member”),
  • have been involved significantly with research related to the areas of wireless communications, and
  • be within 10 years since completion of Ph.D. at the time of nomination.

Nomination will be solicited from the WTC members annually (self-nomination is not allowed). The nomination should include a (short) sentence for “what service or accomplishment” the person is nominated for and a one page supporting material. Additionally, 2 letters supporting the nomination may be sent to the WTC Award Committee Chair (together with the nomination or separately).


The Award committee has 5 members as follows:

Chair:  Shuguang Cui (Past Chair of WTC)

1. 2ndPast WTC Chair (Tarik Taleb)
2. 3rdPast WTC Chair (Ross Murch)
3. A WTC member representing the WTC membership (Junshan Zhang)
4. A WTC member representing the WTC membership (Angela Yingjun Zhang)

The nomination deadline is 15 October, 2020. Please send your nominations to the Award Committee Chair, Shuguang Cui (Please mention in the Subject Title: 2020 WTC Outstanding Young Researcher Award):

2020 Wireless Communications Technical Committee Recognition Award

2020 Wireless Communications Technical Committee Recognition Award


A recognition plaque.


A person with a high degree of visibility and contribution in the field of “Wireless and Mobile Communications Theory, Systems, and Networks”


Annually (as appropriate). No more than two awards will be given per year.


Nomination will be solicited from the WTC members annually. The nomination should include a (short) sentence for “what service or accomplishment” the person is nominated for and a one page supporting material. Additionally, 2 letters supporting the nomination may be sent to the WTC Award Committee Chair (together with the nomination or separately).


The Award committee has 5 members as follows:

Chair: Shuguang Cui (Past Chair of WTC)

1. 2ndPast WTC Chair (Tarik Taleb)
2. 3rdPast WTC Chair (Ross Murch)
3. A WTC member representing the WTC membership (Junshan Zhang)
4. A WTC member representing the WTC membership (Angela Yingjun Zhang)

The nomination deadline is 15 October, 2020. Please send your nominations to the Award Committee Chair, Shuguang Cui (Please mention in the Subject Title: 2020 WTC Recognition Award):